Black Liberation Movement

This spring’s protests were massive. The first week or so that kicked it off were extra spicy. I shared photos and wrote about it on the Monster Children website, on this post:

These first few photos here are also from the first couple days, and after that are photos from protests up through Juneteenth.



Centre St.






In the beginning of June, the streets in Manhattan were still so empty from covid lockdowns, even a block or 2 away from a massive march.


One of the first of what became many Brooklyn Bridge marches.


I had never seen the fields in McCarren Park so full, especially after the 1st 2.5 intense months of lockdown. The daily 8 minute 46 second silent vigils were very powerful.


This was another vigil on a different day.


Bushwick Ave.


Night marches would be a little tense sometimes, you never knew when police were suddenly going to assault everyone, especially when stopping to kneel at an intersection and listen to speakers.


Washington Square Park.


Marching up 5th ave.



Painted George Floyd portraits were all over.







George Floyd’s family came to NY to lead this official march over the Brooklyn Bridge on Juneteenth.


Juneteenth is the holiday that celebrates the end of slavery.





Invest in black communities.


The energy was high and positive.


Shoutout to the clean up crews, not to mention the water, food, snacks, PPE and supplies crews at the protests. I also remember a group of United Sikhs with boxes and boxes of to go containers full of rice and lentils, handing them out to everyone coming off the bridge.


Koko had broken her leg, and her friends wheeled her through the entire march.


West Village.


One of the many drum crews that had popped up.


These are some of the many younger skaters in the NYC skate scene.


These kids were spray painting black power fists on any and all passersby who wanted one.



Paperboy Prince had a march going that ended up in the LES.


Paperboy Prince.


Paperboy Prince was running for congress at the time, and having and showing up at tons of rallies and marches.


His marches would often end with a little dance party.


I wrote a lot more in depth about the protests in the Monster Children article I mentioned:

VFILES also had me voice over some of those photos for a 1 minute slideshow video:

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