Don’t Forget To Summer



Kyle Wilson was renting a backyard garage in Queens for his board shaping studio. He was shaping surfboards, and then started sharping skateboards from uncut blanks.


He was covered in foam dust.


His friend was shaping up a longboard.



I made this little phone video clip because it felt very much like I was not in New York City.






Bryan and Kevin.


Ruthie and Sade.


Bryan and Kevin.


We went exploring around at a camp spot we’d been to a number of times and found lush patches of ferns and some trees to climb.



My friends know I don’t usually watch movies. I don’t think they liked this one either.


Summer 2017 was some sort of peak surf situation for Rockaway. The lineups were comically crowded. I took video of it instead of photos but haven’t edited it yet…




The great North American solar eclipse of 2017, as seen from the Rockaway Peninsula.




I used to run into this guy all the time, it was always a pleasure, now it’s been while.







May Kwok.


One big wave came out of nowhere and  took out both my board and another homie’s board. Good thing I only really buy super steal beaters off craigslist..


The peanut gallery when Jimmy catches a long one.


Kevin on a Fall camping trip.




This fallen tree was jammed around some rocks and other logs, just asking to be a diving board but pointing the wrong way, so we used smaller trees as fulcrums and levers to move it. It seemed pretty impossible at first but after an hour or 2 we finally got it in a good position to reach out to where the water was deep enough. It felt like it could snap under our weight, so we tied Kevin’s hands behind his back and made him walk the plank..




Sunrise in Rockaway.


and Sunset.



These photos were mostly shot during 2017.


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